

New Cars, Vans, Trucks & Bikes

Choose from a wide selection of new vehicles, offers and services with Marshall Motor Group.

For over 110 years Marshall Motor Group have helped tens of thousands of drivers find their new car, commercial vehicle or motorcycle from our network of 147 stores across the length and breadth of Britain.

We’re the official dealer for many of the UK’s most popular brands, and you can click through to start exploring the range for each of them. You may already know what you’re looking for, but if not, feel free to explore. Once you’ve settled on a particular model, our friendly showroom teams can guide you towards the right combination of trim level and engine to perfectly suit your driving style and budget.

Not only are we renowned for our commitment to customer service, we’re also able to offer some of the most competitive deals on new cars, new motorbikes and commercial vehicles around. We can guide you through the process whether you’re coming to us as a private buyer, need a new company car, require a fleet of vehicles or are looking to take advantage of the Motability Scheme.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

We have stores located across the country; click on a brand logo to find out more about your preferred manufacturer and the New Cars, Vans, Trucks & bikes currently available. Don’t forget to bookmark any pages where you want to check back in future.